National Pinball Museum
Baltimore MD 

Neil loves Pinball, and I love Neil , so we made it a priority this weekend to go to the grand opening of the
National Pinball Museum
It was located at 608 Water Street, Baltimore, MD in the historic Chocolate Factory building. Just a few steps from Power Plant Live and the Inner Harbor.

The 12,000-square-foot facility featured around 100 machines.

 The machines ranged from a 19th century pinball bagatelle game to one of the latest Stern Pinball machines.
This was the entrance, pretty cool.

There were some awesome old machines there.

This was my favorite retro machine.

Awesome condition, awesome theme!

I was impressed by how beautiful all of the artwork was. There was no reason to be so suprised. It definitley made me want to own a vintage pinball machine.

The details were way beautiful.

I love side of this one.

Neil in all his glory

Another favorite of mine

Favorite picture of the outing.

Did I mention there were a lot of folks there?
It was a really neat trip. If you find yourself in Baltimore you should most definitely check it out.